Tuesday, December 30, 2008

looking forward to Sunday!

Christi just called and asked if we would keep Jack this Sunday night and for however long I wanted on Monday. Yay!! (Pray for her..she has a Dr. appointment Monday morning.) That means I get to play with him and hold him and... Happiness!!! :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I got to hold and play with Jack for almost three hours this morning. Due to Debbie's surgery I filled in for her in the baby nursery. During E & E he was the only baby. What fun I had with him. God is so good...I think that He honored my helping out by allowing me that special time with just Jack!

He looks good...they are taking such good care of him. He's still his happy-go-lucky self. What a blessing!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas! How about you?

Jack came over for several hours. We ate and opened presents and played! He was so sweet, letting lots of people hold him and love on him. It was great!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jack's first Christmas

I'm so happy that we get Jack for a few hours tomorrow! He'll be here while we eat and open presents with Joshua's family.

So far the adjustment has been good for everyone...maybe hardest on Caleb. Please continue to pray for him; he's accustomed to being the only kid around their house.

Merry Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas present

When we got to church today Christi was looking into putting Jack in the nursery. They were closed for the brunch so I got to take him with me. It's funny, 'cuz I really didn't hold him much...my kids kept taking him from me! But, I was sooooo glad to see him, and hold him and kiss his fuzzy little head today.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

sunny Sunday

I get to see Jack at church tomorrow!!!!!!! :D

Thursday, December 18, 2008

bye, bye Jack

Well, we got Jack moved to the Smith's home this evening. All the proper people were there to take care of the necessary paperwork and I was able to get him and his stuff settled in peacefully.

Thanks so much for your prayers! They will have a great Christmas and so will we. (We get him for a little while Christmas Eve!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Tomorrow...pray, pray!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

poor baby...

Jack has the worst little cough this morning. Please pray for him. He gets into little fits of coughing and ends up gagging. Otherwise he's his normal, happy self.

46 hours from now we'll be in court....

Monday, December 15, 2008

moody Monday

Yesterday at church when I was getting Jack out of the swing I lost it. I ended up leaving the nursery - without him - in a torrent of tears! I managed to make it across the lobby to the ladies bathroom before I got loud, but it sure was embarrassing!! Sharie came and talked to me and got me calmed down. I was so surprised at the suddenness of the tears.

Thursday is going to be great! My Mom is going to court with me, spending the whole day with me really. CPS will come get Jack that afternoon and take him to the Smith's home. I'm hoping that we will get to spend some time with him over Christmas break, but don't want to barge in on their family time. We'll see...

I must get off the computer now and get some cleaning done. Pray, pray this week...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fun Friday!

Today started out a bit rough, but after Jack and I had an early nap it got better! My house is cleaner and Jack is spending the weekend with his new parents. I have a date-night with my Sweetie...and I'm so looking forward to it!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well....next Thursday is the day. The day that changes two families forever. The day that, Lord willing, Jack's birth parent's rights will be terminated and he will go to his new parents' home.

This week I'm asking you to pray for all the kids involved. Caleb, Jack, Bonny, Cameron, Nehemiah and Patrick. Please pray for a smooth transition for them all. Thankfully the Smiths are planning to keep Jack at the same daycare. So, his transition should be very smooth...he's already accustomed to spending time with them. It's the older kids I'm most concerned for - especially Caleb. He's used to being the only kid there.

Thanks, again, for your prayers. I do appreciate them!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

tearful Friday

I was at the Mall today to see Patrick sing with the Kindergartners from his school. I ran into a friend from BSF who asked me about Jack and his case. I told her about it briefly then we both moved on. I was on my way to meet my Mom at a store and as soon as I saw her I burst into tears. This is definitely harder on me than I thought it was going to be.

Really! I have nothing to complain about...he's going to a wonderful home - friends, no less!! But, it's getting to the point where I can't talk about it or I have to fight tears.

I might be the one falling apart now, but my kids are going to feel it too. PLEASE pray for them.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thankful Tuesday

Thanks for all of you that prayed. Things are much better now. Jack will not be "staffed" and if all things go well, he will be moved to the Smith's home on December 18th. Please pray that this is so...