Sunday, November 30, 2008

Please PRAY!

I'll spare you all the details, but know that CPS is NOT doing what we want AND what the Judge said to do in this case.

Please pray that the 2 people that have fallen down in their jobs will get off their butts and get the paperwork going. Pray that the Judge will ORDER what she said to get done. Pray that I don't hurt someone. Pray that the Smiths are able to handle this with grace and forgiveness. Pray that Jack will not be "staffed". Pray that he is moved to their home ASAP!!!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

super Saturday

Daniel just picked up Jack for the rest of the weekend. There going to pick up their Christmas tree - as a family - tomorrow.

Joshua is taking Nehi and Patrick to our land to pick up our Christmas decorations, and I'm going to work for a little while. Bonny and Cameron are still off doing their thing(s).

Not much else to post right now...maybe I'll put some pictures of the craziness of our decorating later.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

wacky Wednesday

We got a phone call about 8:30 this morning telling us that Baby Jared's flight was changed and we had an hour until he got in to Shreveport. Joshua jumped in the shower and I jumped up to make his coffee and cut him some zucchini bread to take on the road. Now I have about 3 hours to finish preparing the house, and what am I doing??? Stupid Internet!!!!

Since I won't get to update tomorrow probably I'll let you know now that the Smiths and us are sharing Jack for T-day. It will be nice to not have the baby here while preparing the meal for 30ish people, but still get to have him around in the afternoon. Best of both worlds!

Continue praying for a smooth transition since Jack will probably go to there house week-after-next - for forever!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Thankfully Jack is much better since using his antibiotic ear drops. He's back to his happy, busy self. I'm sure gonna miss that guy when he goes to his prospective adoptive home (Daniel and Christi Smith) on December 8th!

I'm almost caught up at work now...just have a couple projects left to do. It's nice to have a quiet office to get things done. Christy assures me that December is slow, so I should be able to maintain some sense of organization until the New Year.

Please pray for us as Jack moves on... We've been his family since he was 8 days old, and he's been our baby. The transition has gone smoothly so far with the Smiths keeping him a day or two here and there for about a month now. Continue to keep their family in prayer too. Caleb is showing some signs of jealousy, but hasn't been mean.

I'm thinking hard about whether or not to continue foster parenting. I'm too scared to pray about it right now. Maybe I should say "selfish". I love my job and don't want a new foster placement to interrupt it. Oh, and the whole "hole in my heart" thing about losing a baby...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

severe Sunday...

First, check out the new poll on the bottom right of the page.

Today started with a phone call letting me know that Jack, who had spent the weekend with Daniel and Christi Smith, was running another fever. He's had a fever off-and-on for a few days, some discharge from his ear, but not much fussing. I decided to go ahead and take him to the ER. He has a severe ear infection. I was so sorry that it had gotten that bad, but the poor guy hardly ever fusses so I didn't know!!

Then we went to the Morrill's for a birthday party for Gideon. That was a nice diversion. On the way home Jack fell asleep for the first time today. He and I went down for a nap and I slept almost 2 heavenly hours! Then I was awakened by a phone call from a friend who's newly separated from his wife. That was a severe blow we received a few days ago.

Please keep Jack in your prayers as he battles this infection...and me as I try to balance work, kids off school, Thanksgiving preparations for 30+ people and a sick baby.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just learning...

I just updated my profile. Learn anything new? Know something I didn't post? Tell me about it....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Trying out Tigger Times

I just wanted to start a blog because I wanted to give you a look into the lives of a foster family and the inevitable transition.